Kamaraj reduced the ministry to 8 from 12. He included the supporters of Rajaji in his ministry. He also included C.Subramaniam who contested against him in his ministry. Bakthavathsalaam was also included one among the 8.

The 6 person who opposed Rajaji were not included in the ministry

He thought that it would be better to include Vannian Community who opposed Congress. He included Ramasami Padaiaachi in the ministry who was the leader of opposite party and opposed Congress in the assembly. Hence there was no opposition for Congress from out side. He formed such a ministry and avoided the opposition from in and out of Congress. He took charge as C.M. on 13th April of 1954, the Tamil new year day. He was not a member in assembly nor a member in Legislative Council . He should become a member within six months from the date of taking charge in either of legislature.

It was easy to become a Member of Legislature Council . But Kamaraj did not prefer it. He had a strong belief for a healthy government one should be elected through assembly election only. Also he thought that he could understand the opinion of the public only if contest for the assembly election.

Always he was elected from the Virudhunagar constituency . Suppose if he wanted to be elected from there the elected member of that constituency should resign. As always he did not want to create problem ever.
At that time there was a vacancy in Gudiatham Constituency of North Arcot district. All wanted him to contest from there as the C.M. is common to the state and he contest from any constituency of the state. Finally he decided to contest from Gudiatham Constituency.

He did not belong to North Arcot which consist Gudiatham constituency . Even then he contested from there , except Communist party all other parties supported Kamaraj .Since the Dravidian parties did like Rajaji to become the Chief Minister again they supported Kamaraj and made serious propaganda for his victory. The Congress volunteers of all parts of Madras state invaded Gudiatham since Kamaraj decided to contest from a new constituency which neither was his native nor a place he dwelled . The Dravidian parties and Muslim league openly supported Kamaraj and hunted for votes. Gudiatham was flooded by party people. Public worked for Kamaraj. Kamaraj visited all the villages and addressed the mass. He won in the election . He thanked the people of that constituency.

Kamaraj did not go for the post of minister. It came to him . The post which came to him in 1954 he resigned it 1963. He was the first Chief Minister who was in that post for such a long period.

Ministries changed in other states of India because of Enmity, Plots, Jealous and for post but it was not in Madras state . There was no quarrel , enmity or jealous in the ministry of Kamaraj. After Kamaraj became Chief Minister the trend of Madras state was totally changed.

His period was called as Golden Period . When he became Chief Minister he said ” People who works people as Maharajas and Lords who are lazy and live on other labours. I have become the Chief Minister only to wipeout the troubles of poor , else i don’t want this post at all. ”

From that day on wards all the poor had his portraits at their huts.

When he was the C.M.of Madras state he went in the path of Gandhiji and followed the principles of Nehru. He did what was Right. People respected him as a “Model Man”.

S.Balasundrammal , wife of Sathyamoorthy said as under about Kamaraj :

” Kamaraj served for the nation for more than 20 years along with my husband. During that time he had the sense of sacrifice and public service. He was best companion to my husband and worked without rest to strengthen the Congress in Madras state. His Chief Ministership was the evidence to the dream of my husband ” . Thus the disciple made the dream of his leader alive.

Nehruji appreciated the services of Kamaraj as under :

” It is impossible to find a person overcoming Kamaraj in public service . As a friend for several years i had a chance to know him. The value i had on him increased on and on whenever i moved with him. He is the C.M. to a government which is a example for efficient and good governance.”

Lord Eddianburro , husband of England Queen congratulated Kamaraj and said that he should be the Chief Minister of Madras state during his next visit to India and Madras. Thus Kamaraj ruled Madras State.

As per the judgment of news reporters his way of ruling was a lesson to others and his service was an example to the post he held.