He delivered his speech on 9th January at 5pm. amidst lakhs of volunteers to eradicate the poverty of 45 crores of Indians,. It was the place where emperor Ashoka fought with his warriors against Kalinga’s empire’s lakhs of soldiers 2500 years ago to establish Magada empire. It was the place where emperor Ashoka decided not to fight and preach peace. Two lakhs people heard his speech.

His speech at the conference was as under:

” You have given me the responsibility to administer the INC by electing me to this highest post unanimously you have exposed your affection towards me . I expect your full co-operation and enthusiastic support to execute my duty to the entire satisfaction of you all “.

His speech had explained in a way about the steps to be taken to fight against economical conditions after paying homage to the departed freedom fighters and the soldiers who lost their lives in Indo-China war.

” There are certain items in our economical conditions which worries us. I point out at first that massing of wealth with certain people. So there is monopoly in some trade . Tax evasion , black marketing of scare products. No honesty in trade , no regularity in trade. It is essential to take proper steps in this matter” .

He also explained the procedures to be followed , ” Since our aim is socialism we have to stop amassing of wealth with certain people. and its hereditary continuance. If we allow this it will be hurdle for our development. At the end the rich will be more rich.

” We have to see now whether the present laws and administration will fulfill our socialistic aims. INC should examine the developments in each state. Government should take action to stop monopoly and also they are to be examined. We have to develop new areas and start new industries. Districts should give free education upto secondary school education gradually.”