There was the situation that the construction of schools , serving mid-day meals , appointing teachers were the duties of the government. Kamaraj wanted to change this and started a great revolutionary plan.

Because of that plan every individual realised to think the education was his responsibility. That was the plan for growth of schools. Conference were conducted and donations were collected from public. About four crores of rupees were donated by public. Poor students were given free books and slates. Lakhs of poor students were benefited.

A scheme for giving free uniform to poor children were organised and implemented . Kamaraj wanted to avoid the partiality between the poor and the rich students. Result was free uniform scheme. This stopped the inferiority complex among the students.

Kamaraj wanted to give free education to all the students. He decided to give free education up to eleventh standard to all the poor students in the year 1960. The annual income of the parents of those students who get the concession should be less than 1200/- . He modified this order in 1962-63 . Children of the parents whose income was Rs 1500/- per annum could also get free education upto 11th Std., Apart from this order were issued that children of N.G.O’s employees of Panchayat Unions may also get free education upto High School education.

To avoid illiteracy he formed compulsory primary education. He formed committee to make propaganda in villages about the importance of education.

Though compulsory and free education were there was no proper response. Kamaraj seriously thought the reasons , therefore he meet the villagers and discussed with them. Found out the reason. He arrived at an solution.

How can a parent who is lean bodied due to poverty , powerless eyes , scattered hair without oil and who struggles for at least one time food send his ward to the school. He will send his children to schools at least if they get one time food. Immediately Kamaraj arranged for this. Free Mid-Day-Meal Scheme made lakhs of students to come to school . Countries all over the world praised this . Nehruji was much pleased.

The Mid-Day-Meal Scheme properly started in 1956. Over 14 lakhs students were benefited . This scheme got help from CARE OF USA in 1961-62. Milk powder , corn flour and re-fined vegetable oils were sent free of costs to schools from CARE.

Kamaraj who was deeply worried about the growth of education decided to induce the interest of public. The government took responsibility to govern , fulfill the schemes for the growth of education. These were intensified during Kamaraj’s period only. But public did not show their interest and direct involvement.

Right from 1956-57 free education was given to the children of elementary school teacher , police constables , head constables and the lower grade employees of government. It came to know in the next year that only 17% of students were not getting free education . To compensate this a scheme for free education to all was announced in 1962.

The revolutionary schemes and the services of Kamaraj in educational side attracted the public . Because of that there are no villages in the state without elementary schools. A high school for every 5 miles distance with modern amenities was constructed.

Apart from increasing number of schools steps were taken to improve standard of education also. To improve the standard number of working day were increased from 180 to 200. Unnecessary holidays were reduced. Syllabus were prepared to give opportunity to various abilities.

Two session classes were started. 45 multipurpose schools were started. In the second plan 191 multipurpose schools came up. 286 double session schools were opened. Laborites with modern facilities and librarians were made available.

Salaries of the teachers were increased in order to improve there standard of teaching and to kindle their interest in teaching.

Kamaraj introduced a scheme providing pension , provident fund and compulsory insurance to teacher which were not their so far.

Kamaraj had introduced this scheme for the first time in India. Along with this he introduced family pension scheme also to the teacher.

Scheme was also introduced to provide quarters to the teacher of village schools. Rs 25/- lakhs were allotted to this scheme. Construction of 750 houses was planned.

He also arranged to give interest free loans to the poor students of medical college , engineering college and agricultural college. This has improved in admission of Engg. College and Medical College in every year. Facility to train nurses in hospitals were also increased
Number of Arts colleges were increased in the period of Kamaraj. 2 P.T. Colleges , 10 Teacher training colleges and 39 Teacher training schools were opened in his period.

His government made arrangement to open one more university in his period.